# Benjamin Franzke, developer at TYPO3 GmbH and TYPO3 core merger.
# Former wayland, mesa and Qbus developer.

# Resources
xdg-open https://twitter.com/bnfrk
xdg-open https://fosstodon.org/@bnf
xdg-open https://typo3.slack.com/team/U0HBPDNDB
xdg-open https://github.com/bnf
xdg-open https://www.npmjs.com/~bnf

Random stuff # Fedora repo setup curl -s https://bnfr.net/bnfr.repo \
-o /etc/yum.repos.d/bnfr.repo # NCurses based Pulseaudio control
client dnf install pa-sink-ctl # Network projector control utility
based on pjlink protocol dnf install pjctl